Renzi says banks must contribute

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 11 – Premier Matteo Renzi said Friday that Italy’s banks have to “do their bit” for the economic recovery after his government this week announced a hike on the taxes they must pay on their stakes on the country’s central bank. The hike will raise around one billion euros of the 6.7 billion needed this year to reduce income taxes for low earners by around 80 euros a month.BR”When we had to find money to give to those people who aren’t managing to get by, we asked the banks for a sacrifice,” Renzi said during a visit to the Milan furniture fair.BR”The banks cannot think that they’ll be saved by the State, as has happened in Europe, and not be ready to do their bit for families’ everyday lives”.BRHe added that banks should also be fairer in the way they treat small and medium-sized businesses, who have found it hard to get much-needed credit during the economic crisis.BR”We respect and encourage the credit system, but it needs to have greater attention, because it’s not acceptable that a small artisan has a mortgage or a loan rejected because of parameters that are never applied to big companies,” the premier said.BR/P
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