Renzi says he has ‘not a minute to lose’

Renzi says he has 'not a minute to lose' (ANSA) – Rome, December 9 – The new secretary of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) Matteo Renzi said Monday that he feels he does not have “a minute to lose” before getting to work and shaking up his party.

“I feel a responsibility, the task is difficult and I feel emotional, but above all, I feel the necessity to immediately send signals,” about the new direction he wants the party to take, said Renzi, who was elected with a 70% majority at the PD primary on Sunday.

“There is not a minute to lose”.

Renzi, who is mayor of Florence, has promised to give Italy’s Left a fresh start by changing his party’s approach to politics, and shaking up many of the PD’s old guard.


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