Renzi to visit Merkel in Berlin, Italy ‘not a dunce’

IMG class=hide alt=”Renzi to visit Merkel in Berlin, Italy ‘not a dunce'” src=”” (ANSA) – Rome, March 17 – Premier Matteo Renzi flies to Berlin Monday for a bilateral summit with Chancellor Angela Merkel as part of efforts to reassure European partners Italy is not going off the rails with budget discipline while at the same time winning the green light for some fiscal leeway. PThe premier, the leader of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), has made several calls for Europe to focus more on growth and employment and less on German-mandated austerity that was the European Union’s main response to the eurozone debt crisis./PPRenzi, who became Italy’s youngest premier at 39 after unseating his PD colleague Enrico Letta last month, also met French President Fran

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