Roman mayor hails city’s two living Holocaust survivors

Roman mayor hails city's two living Holocaust survivors (ANSA) – Rome, October 16 – The mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino, on Tuesday paid homage to the last two Roman survivors of World War II Nazi concentration camps in a synagogue memorial for the 70th anniversary of the Nazi roundup and deportation of Jews in Rome.

Of more than a 1000 Roman Jews taken to Auschwitz and Birkenau camps, only seven returned, said Democratic Party (PD) Senator Monica Cirinna’, a member of the senate justice commission on Monday in support of a measure that would make denying the Holocaust a crime. “The city of Rome kneels before you and thanks you,” Marino told Nazi concentration camp survivors Lello Di Segni and Enzo Camerino. “The guilty indifference of those days is another wound inflicted on the Jewish community,” Marino added.


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