Speaker says female murder data reveal deep flaws in Italy

IMG class=hide alt=”Speaker says female murder data reveal deep flaws in Italy” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-3309f7c571a8f462033c17ef5e1c70cb.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, February 14 – Lower House Speaker Laura Boldrini on Friday said female murder statistics in Italy revealed unacceptable structural problems with Italy’s protection system, since more than half of the victims reported their aggressors prior to being killed. P”In 2013, murders in Italy fell compared to 2012, but (murders) of women rose. There were 177. A slaughter that continues relentlessly,” Boldrini said speaking at the inauguration of the academic year at the State police academy in Rome./PP”Between 2000 and 2011, there were 2061 femicides in Italy out of a total of 7,440 murders,” Boldrini went on, citing figures from a report by the Italian social research centre EU.R.E.S./PP”Women killed because they are women, because perhaps their autonomy was considered unbearable by husbands, partners, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends,” Boldrini continued./PP”Most of these women had already filed complaints: seven out of 10, the data says. How can it be that women who asked for protection, with the courageous gesture of filing charges, are then left alone? What has not worked and what doesn’t work in the system of protection?” Boldrini asked./P
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