State tourism board Enit launches campaign to promote Italy

IMG class=hide alt=”State tourism board Enit launches campaign to promote Italy” src=”” (ANSA) – Rome, March 14 – Italy is promoting the touristic and cultural treasures of the euro-zone’s third largest economy with a new promotional campaign targeting foreign visitors and launched by the state tourism board Enit. PThe campaign, called “Made in Italy, a tailor-made holiday especially for you”, seeks to highlight authentic and unique elements of Italy. It includes television and cinema advertisements, promotions in newspapers, magazines, on billboards and on the Internet./PPThe program is being financed by some five million euros accumulated by the national tourism board./PPThe funds “are the fruits of savings, for which we have to thank our predecessors”, said Enit President Pierluigi Celli./PPThe campaign website is will target potential tourists in such European markets as Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, France, Scandinavia, as well as the United States and Russia. These targets were selected by Italian regions, with a geographical focus on areas attracting some 50% of foreign tourist inflow bookings into Italy./PPThe advertising and promotional campaign will be divided into various sectors, including culture and wellness, gastronomy and wine, seas and lakes, artistic cities, mountains and parks, activity holidays, and medieval village travel. A special focus will be made on the Expo 2015 event in Milan next year. The campaign could bear fruit as early as this summer “if it develops as planned”, Celli said./P
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