Tag Archives: 100MillionYearOld

Dinosaur parasites trapped in 100-million-year-old amber tell blood-sucking story

Fossilized ticks discovered trapped and preserved in amber show that these parasites sucked the blood of feathered dinosaurs almost 100 million years ago. Strange & Offbeat: Fossils & Ruins News — ScienceDaily

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Flirtatious 100-Million-Year-Old Damselflies Found Frozen in Amber

The poor damsel fly was trapped while getting his groove on over 100m years ago CREDIT: DARAN ZHENG It was all going so well. 100-million-years ago a male damselfly spotted a potential mate and set about attempting to woo her … Continue reading

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This 100-Million-Year-Old Bird Trapped in Amber Is The Best We’ve Ever Seen

Amber miners who discovered the specimen thought that they had found a “strange” lizard’s claw, until researchers realized that the foot belonged to a bird from the time of the dinosaurs. The chick was found, frozen in the amber 99 … Continue reading

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