Tag Archives: about

Last common ancestor of humans and apes weighed about five kilograms

New research suggests that the last common ancestor of apes — including great apes and humans — was much smaller than previously thought, about the size of a gibbon. The findings, published today in the journal Nature Communications, are fundamental … Continue reading

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Woolly rhino neck ribs provide clues about their decline and eventual extinction

A study reports on the incidence of abnormal cervical (neck) vertebrae in woolly rhinos, which strongly suggests a vulnerable condition in the species. Given the considerable birth defects that are associated with this condition, the researchers argue it is very … Continue reading

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Challenging prevailing theory about how deep-sea vents are colonized

Despite being relatively close together, two recently discovered hydrothermal vent fields in the Gulf of California host very different animal communities. This finding contradicts a common scientific assumption that neighboring vents will share similar animal communities, and suggests that local … Continue reading

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Earth’s Magnetic Field Is about to Flip

The Earth’s magnetic field, magnetic poles and geographic poles.Credit: Earth’s Magnetic Field image via Shutterstock A giant lava lamp inside the Earth might be flipping the planet’s magnetic field If you could travel back in time 41,000 years to the … Continue reading

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Gnat in Amber Raises Questions About India’s Tectonic History

Palaeognoriste orientale, a new species of Lygistorrhinidae in Indian amber, which has its closest relatives in European Baltic amber. A newly discovered species hints at early connections between the Indian and European landmasses. A previously unknown species of gnat found … Continue reading

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What bone proteomics could reveal about the dead

Studying bones has helped scientists reconstruct what dinosaurs and other extinct creatures looked like. Taking this further, scientists recently started identifying proteins from bones to glean more information about remains. But one team has found that the reliability of this … Continue reading

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What silver fir aDNA can tell us about Neolithic forests

A new technique makes it possible to cost-effectively analyse genetic material from fossil plant and animal remains. Researchers have used this technique to examine the DNA of silver fir needles found in lake sediment in Ticino. They found clues as … Continue reading

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First clues about the social lives of extinct human relatives

A new study of the bony head-crests of male gorillas could provide some of the first clues about the social structures of our extinct human relatives, including how they chose their sexual partners. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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What is Unique About Chanthaburi Sapphire?

Chanthaburi Sapphire Thailand has been a leader in the global corundum trade since the 1950s. Bangkok and Chanthaburi remain important treatment and trading centers even though many—though not all—of the country’s corundum deposits are nearly exhausted. Since the early 2000s, … Continue reading

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data-and-vision: Sources: 1, 2, image source, read more about…

data-and-vision: Sources: 1, 2, image source, read more about the perovskite structure. Geology Nerd

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