Tag Archives: after

Trendy volcanism tied to occasions occurring quickly after Earth’s start

Plumes of sizzling magma from the volcanic hotspot that fashioned Réunion Island within the Indian Ocean rise from an unusually primitive supply deep beneath the Earth’s floor. The mantle differentiation occasion preserved in these hotspot plumes can each train scientists … Continue reading

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Earthquakes proceed for years after fuel subject wastewater injection stops, examine finds

Shutting down oil and fuel wastewater injection wells might not cease human-induced earthquakes shortly, say seismologists. The scientists analyzed earthquakes at DFW Airport that started in 2008 and located that despite the fact that wastewater injection was halted after a … Continue reading

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Fossil orphans reunited with their parents after half a billion years

Everyone wants to be with their family over the holidays, but spare a thought for a group of orphan fossils that have been separated from their parents since the dawn of animal evolution, over half a billion years ago. Strange … Continue reading

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Mammals switched to daytime activity after dinosaur extinction

Mammals only started being active in the daytime after non-avian dinosaurs were wiped out about 66 million years ago (mya), finds a new study. Strange & Offbeat: Fossils & Ruins News — ScienceDaily

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New magma pathways after giant lateral volcano collapses

Giant lateral collapses are huge landslides occurring at the flanks of a volcano. Such collapses are rather common events during the evolution of a large volcanic edifice, often with dramatic consequences such as tsunami and volcano explosions. These catastrophic events … Continue reading

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hematitehearts: Turquoise after bone (odontolite) Locality: near…

hematitehearts: Turquoise after bone (odontolite) Locality: near Searchlight, Clark County, Nevada, USA Amazingly, the mineral turquoise has totally pseudomorphed an animal bone, turning it a light green color. On rare occasions animals and humans die in the vicinity of ore bodies, … Continue reading

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The Mysterious Flashes Light Up Sky in Mexico After Earthquake Explained

Mysterious flashes of light lit up the sky in Mexico after the country was struck by an 8.1 magnitude earthquake on Friday. Photo: courtesy Independent The recent Mexico earthquake resulted in videos of blue and green flashes emanating from around … Continue reading

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Paleontologist aids in new discovery 33 years after finding fossil

The fossilized plesiosaur Sankar Chatterjee found in 1984 is giving scientists a new understanding of convergent evolution between reptiles and mammals. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Variation in the recovery of tetrapods after the Permian extinction opened the door for dinosaurs and mammals

The end-Permian mass extinction (EPME) occurred about 250 million years ago and represents the Earth’s most catastrophic extinction event. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Large-mouthed fish was top predator after mass extinction

The food chains recovered more rapidly than previously assumed after Earth’s most devastating mass extinction event about 252 million years ago as demonstrated by the fossilized skull of a large predatory fish called Birgeria americana discovered by paleontologists from the … Continue reading

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