Tag Archives: birth

Trendy volcanism tied to occasions occurring quickly after Earth’s start

Plumes of sizzling magma from the volcanic hotspot that fashioned Réunion Island within the Indian Ocean rise from an unusually primitive supply deep beneath the Earth’s floor. The mantle differentiation occasion preserved in these hotspot plumes can each train scientists … Continue reading

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Hutton’s unconformity and the birth of ‘Deep Time’

I sometimes ask a question to students in an introductory class about geology: “What is the most famous geological site in the world?” For students from the western hemisphere, the Grand Canyon in the USA is a popular choice. However, … Continue reading

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The birth and death of a tectonic plate

A new technique to investigate the underwater volcanoes that produce Earth’s tectonic plates has been developed by a geophysicist. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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The birth and death of a tectonic plate

Cross-sectional view of Earth, showing mantle, convection currents, and plate motion Several hundred miles off the Pacific Northwest coast, a small tectonic plate called the Juan de Fuca is slowly sliding under the North American continent. This subduction has created … Continue reading

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Microplate discovery dates birth of Himalayas

 The newly discovered tectonic plate, named Mammerickx Microplate. Credit: University of Sydney An international team of scientists has discovered the first oceanic microplate in the Indian Ocean?helping identify when the initial collision between India and Eurasia occurred, leading to the … Continue reading

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Cancer survivor gives birth after ovary ‘vitrification’

(ANSA) – Rome, November 5 – A Milan cancer patient gave birth October 26 in Milan in what was the first-ever use in Italy of a technique to freeze ovaries known as vitrification. The announcement was made by the Genera … Continue reading

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Migrant woman gives birth to baby girl on board boat

(ANSA) – Siracusa, October 22 – A woman is in hospital with a newborn baby girl after giving birth on board a boat carrying as many as 250 migrants to Italy. Authorities say two Italian coast guard cutters arrived at … Continue reading

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In 2010 the death of women’s 287mila of birth

(ANSAmed) – Rome, 16 APR – about 287mila women died from childbirth in 2010, according to the who, that in the next ten years it is estimated that 3 million. A “silent genocide”, which often follows the death of a … Continue reading

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