Tag Archives: blood

Nanospugna to clean blood

(ANSAmed) – Rome, 19 APR – to clean the blood of lethal toxins and poisons to throw the sponge, or rather, nanospugna. Researchers from the University of California at San Diego have developed nano-sponges ‘disguised’ of red blood cells that … Continue reading

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Beet juice lowers blood pressure

(ANSAmed) – Rome, 16 APR – drink a glass of two beet juice a day can help lower your blood pressure, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which, according to research by the London medical school in London, published in hypertension. … Continue reading

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Prediction of Alzheimer’s disease with blood test

(ANSA) – Baltimore, 19 JUL – high levels of blood of the molecules of lipids, ceramides, tenfold increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. If the levels are medium risk and ‘ eight times higher. Confirmation of the correlation between these fatty … Continue reading

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Diabetes: blood glucose is measured with laser now

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