Tag Archives: called

Geologist discovers Whirlwinds of crystals called gravel devils in Andes mountains

After the gravel devils move the gypsum, some of it clumps together when exposed to groundwater.Credit Kathleen Benison Large hunks of gypsum swept between two volcanoes Geologist Kathleen Benison was working in the Atacama desert in Chile where the harsh … Continue reading

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Seismicity in British Columbia and hidden continent referred to as Zealandia

Seismicity within the Pacific Northwest is nicely documented and consists of current seismic exercise on fault techniques inside the Juan de Fuca Strait. However, the seismic potential of crustal faults inside the forearc of the northern Cascadia subduction zone in … Continue reading

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mineraliety: We have this nifty section on our site called…

mineraliety: We have this nifty section on our site called ?What is this?? where people can post minerals they need help identifying. One of our users posted this photo of a mineral she found in the countryside in Spain. If … Continue reading

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Scientists have discovered a new state of matter, called ‘Jahn-Teller metals’

A magnet levitating above a super-chilled superconductor.sach1tb on Flickr And it could be the key to understanding one of the biggest mysteries in physics today – high-temperature superconductors. An international team of scientists has announced the discovery of a new … Continue reading

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Cassano, Rossi called up for Italy fitness tests

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 11 – Italy coach Cesare Prandelli named Giuseppe Rossi and Antonio Cassano among a group of 42 players he is calling up for pre-World Cup fitness tests on Monday and Tuesday.BRRossi has been called up even … Continue reading

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Woman shocked by exploding artichoke, called police

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/wpid-7d75a0a95baa706fb516fb1dcc1bef5a.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Woman shocked by exploding artichoke, called police” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/wpid-7d75a0a95baa706fb516fb1dcc1bef5a.jpg” (ANSA) – Lecco, December 19 – An Italian woman was shocked and called police after an artichoke that she purchased at a local supermarket in northern … Continue reading

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Napolitano to be called to testify in State-Mafia trial

(By Emily Backus). (ANSA) – Palermo, October 17 – Italian Interior Minister Anna Maria Cancellieri expressed perplexity after a Palermo appeals court on Thursday accepted a prosecutor’s request for Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to be called to testify in a … Continue reading

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Napolitano to be called as witness in State-Mafia trial

(ANSA) – Palermo, October 17 – A Palermo appeals court on Thursday accepted a prosecutor’s request for Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to be called to testify in a trial into alleged negotiations between the Italian State and the Mafia two … Continue reading

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