Tag Archives: capital

Magma build-up may put Salvadoran capital at risk

The collapsed caldera of Ilopango is now a large lake. But the volcanic system is still active, and new research suggests tectonic stresses beneath the volcano may be fueling a new accumulation of magma. Photo by Lee Siebert/Smithsonian Institution The … Continue reading

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Profumo says MPS will raise 3-bn euros of capital in May

IMG class=hide alt=”Profumo says MPS will raise 3-bn euros of capital in May” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-8963501a41d412abfccdc6fb5b420411.jpg” (ANSA) – Siena, March 26 – The troubled bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS) will proceed with a share offering to raise three billion euros … Continue reading

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Italy mulling fund for taxes on Swiss-held capital

(ANSA) – Rome, December 10 – The government might submit a draft amendment to Italy’s new so-called stability law or budget bill that will include setting up a fund to hold future exceptional tax measures, such as those levied on … Continue reading

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Fiat Group may need outside capital to take over Chrysler

(ANSA) – New York, October 28 – Fiat can not acquire the remaining stake of Chrysler without external capital, a newspaper report said on Monday citing Barclays analyst Kristina Church. The Turin-based automaker could need financing for at least 1.9 … Continue reading

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Fonsai won’t take part in 300 mn Alitalia capital increase

(ANSA) – Bologna, October 25 – The Italian insurance company Fonsai has chosen not to participate in a 300-million-euro capital increase for Italy’s troubled flagship airline Alitalia, Chief Executive Carlo Cimbri said on Friday. Fonsai owns 4.4% of Italy’s teetering … Continue reading

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Telecom Italia refuses to comment capital increase reports

(ANSA) – Milan, October 25 – Media reports on ”capital increase operations, sale of assets, change of dividend policy” are ”journalistic inferences” and, as such, Telecom Italia cannot comment them, the company said in a statement Friday. Shares in Telecom … Continue reading

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Alitalia capital increase approved by board

(ANSA) – Rome, October 11 – Alitalia’s board on Friday approved a capital increase, which has been reported to total 300 million euros in the press recent days, to stave off the prospect of the airline going bankrupt. We have … Continue reading

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