Tag Archives: could

Extremely Rare Fancy Red Diamond Could Sell for Millions

The Argyle Everglow, a 2.11-carat Fancy Red diamond, is the largest red diamond in the 33-year history of the Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender In the select world of coloured diamonds, red stones are the rarest of them all. An inestimably … Continue reading

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Dino-killing asteroid could have thrust Earth into two years of darkness

Tremendous amounts of soot, lofted into the air from global wildfires following a massive asteroid strike 66 million years ago, would have plunged Earth into darkness for nearly two years, new research finds. This would have shut down photosynthesis, drastically … Continue reading

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Dino-killing asteroid could have thrust Earth into two years of darkness

Tremendous amounts of soot, lofted into the air from global wildfires following a massive asteroid strike 66 million years ago, would have plunged Earth into darkness for nearly two years, new research finds. This would have shut down photosynthesis, drastically … Continue reading

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This Could Be the Most Expensive Tourmaline Ever

Credit: Astro Gallery of Gems IS THIS RARE Mineral WORTH $ 1.2 MILLION? Long ago, below the surface of what we now call Brazil, a slender blade of pink tourmaline, a semi-precious gemstone, pierced the top of a pink-and-blue tourmaline … Continue reading

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Glass Could Be a Mysterious New State of Matter

The mysterious new phase of matter that could show how glass behaves  New research solves a long-standing mystery about glass—and a mysterious new state of matter. Zoom in on a crystal and you will find an ordered array of atoms, … Continue reading

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‘Bulges’ in volcanoes could be used to predict eruptions

Researchers have developed a new way of measuring the pressure inside volcanoes, and found that it can be a reliable indicator of future eruptions. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Japanese slow earthquakes could shed light on tsunami generation

Understanding slow-slip earthquakes in subduction zone areas may help researchers understand large earthquakes and the creation of tsunamis, according to researchers who used data from instruments placed on the seafloor and in boreholes east of the Japanese coast. Geology News … Continue reading

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Ancient Magma Crystals Could Help Us Predict Eruptions

 Zirkon Kristalle in Matrix. Credit: crystal-treasure Volcanologists are gaining a new understanding of what’s going on inside a shallow magma reservoir that lies below an active volcano and they’re finding a colder, more solid place than previously thought, according to … Continue reading

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Which extinct ducks could fly?

We’re all familiar with flightless birds: ostriches, emus, penguins — and ducks? Ducks and geese have been especially prone to becoming flightless over the course of evolutionary history, but it can be difficult to determine from fossils whether an extinct … Continue reading

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What bone proteomics could reveal about the dead

Studying bones has helped scientists reconstruct what dinosaurs and other extinct creatures looked like. Taking this further, scientists recently started identifying proteins from bones to glean more information about remains. But one team has found that the reliability of this … Continue reading

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