Tag Archives: Darwin
The geology of Charles Darwin
Like the writer, Johann Goethe, who inscribed himself in the guest book of Karlsbad – present day Karlovy Vary, in the Czech Republic – as “J.W. Goethe, Geognost”, Charles Darwin considered himself a geologist (“I, a geologist” citation from his notebooks … Continue reading
The five bird species that Darwin couldn?t discover in Madeira and the Azores
When Charles Darwin visited the Azores islands in the 19th Century, the birds he observed were familiar to him. However, if he had travelled there 500 years before, he would have found an ornithofauna as particular as that of the … Continue reading
The five bird species that Darwin couldn?t discover in Madeira and the Azores
When Charles Darwin visited the Azores islands in the 19th Century, the birds he observed were familiar to him. However, if he had travelled there 500 years before, he would have found an ornithofauna as particular as that of the … Continue reading
Goodbye to Darwin in the last frog
(ANSAmed) – Rome, NOV 21 – left squawk, extinct by an infection, rana of Darwin from the most recent, a species of amphibians, named in homage to the father of evolutionism. The case, analyzed by an international research group coordinated … Continue reading