Tag Archives: dinosaur

That Incredibly Well-preserved Armored Dinosaur Is Actually a New Species

Fossils don’t get much better than this. (Courtesy of the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Drumheller, Canada) A new study of the fossil also makes the controversial claim that the armored dinosaur had anti-predator camouflage. On a fateful day in … Continue reading

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A dinosaur track investigation

My “Fossil Grandpa” took me to visit this neat site when I was in Texas last summer (2013). We drove to a small rural community, where it seemed there wasn’t anything to find. However, my Grandpa pointed out me to … Continue reading

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New species of dinosaur named after Canadian icon

A new species of troodontid theropod dinosaur identified, Albertavenator curriei, named after renowned Canadian palaeontologist Dr. Philip J. Currie. Palaeontologists initially thought that the bones of Albertavenator belonged to its close relative Troodon, which lived around 76-million-years-ago. This new species … Continue reading

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Giant Dinosaur ‘Fossil Wall’ Discovered in China

A researcher cleans a dinosaur bone at the ‘fossil wall’ in Puan Township. Photo: Xinhua Scientists have unearthed a large dinosaur fossil site in southwestern China. Paleontologists say 5,000 dinosaur fossils have been excavated from a “fossil wall”. The wall … Continue reading

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World’s ‘first named dinosaur’ reveals new teeth with scanning tech

Pioneering technology has shed fresh light on the world’s first scientifically-described dinosaur fossil — over 200 years after it was first discovered — thanks to research. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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New data for old bones: How the famous Cleveland-Lloyd dinosaur bone bed came to be

The Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry is the densest collection of Jurassic dinosaur fossils. Since its discovery in the 1920s, numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of the quarry. Were the dinosaurs poisoned? Did they die due to drought? … Continue reading

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Japan’s largest complete dinosaur skeleton discovered

The complete skeleton of an eight-meter-long dinosaur has been unearthed from marine deposits dating back 72 million years at Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido, making it the largest dinosaur skeleton ever found in Japan. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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A Ute arrow straightener made of Jurassic dinosaur bone

I am currently studying an arrow straightening tool left behind by the Ute Indians of the Northern Colorado Plateau long ago. The artefact is made of an unusual material – a Jurassic dinosaur bone. As I work with this object … Continue reading

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New Dinosaur Fossil So Well-Preserved it Looks Like a Statue

A 110 million-year-old fossil of an armored, plant-eating dinosaur called a nodosaur is the best-preserved specimen of its kind. Credit Robert Clark/National Geographic Rare as winning the lottery: ‘Dinosaur Mummy’ Emerges From the Oil Sands of Alberta The animal probably … Continue reading

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‘Last African dinosaur’ discovered in Moroccan mine

One of the last dinosaurs living in Africa before their extinction 66 million years ago has been discovered in a phosphate mine in northern Morocco. A study of the fossil suggests that following the breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana in … Continue reading

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