Tag Archives: Dinosaurs

Unique imaging of a dinosaur’s skull tells evolutionary tale

Researchers using Los Alamos’ unique neutron-imaging and high-energy X-ray capabilities have exposed the inner structures of the fossil skull of a 74-million-year-old tyrannosauroid dinosaur nicknamed the Bisti Beast in the highest-resolution scan of tyrannosaur skull ever done. Paleontology News — … Continue reading

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Unique imaging of a dinosaur’s skull tells evolutionary tale

Researchers using Los Alamos’ unique neutron-imaging and high-energy X-ray capabilities have exposed the inner structures of the fossil skull of a 74-million-year-old tyrannosauroid dinosaur nicknamed the Bisti Beast in the highest-resolution scan of tyrannosaur skull ever done. Strange & Offbeat: … Continue reading

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Earth Is on Its Way to the Biggest Mass Extinction Since the Dinosaurs

Earth Is on Its Way to the Biggest Mass Extinction Since the Dinosaurs From the common barn swallow to the exotic giraffe, thousands of animal species are in precipitous decline, a sign that an irreversible era of mass extinction is … Continue reading

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Sensitive faces helped dinosaurs eat, woo and take temperature

Dinosaurs’ faces might have been much more sensitive than previously thought, and crucial to tasks from precision eating and testing nest temperature to combat and mating rituals, according to a study. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Brooding dinosaurs

A new method used to perform geochemical analysis of fossilized eggs from China has shown that oviraptorosaurs incubated their eggs with their bodies within a 35–40° C range, similar to extant birds today, scientists have discovered. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Sensitive faces helped dinosaurs eat, woo and take temperature

Dinosaurs’ faces might have been much more sensitive than previously thought, and crucial to tasks from precision eating and testing nest temperature to combat and mating rituals, according to a study. Strange & Offbeat: Fossils & Ruins News — ScienceDaily

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Volcanic eruptions triggered dawn of the dinosaurs

Huge pulses of volcanic activity are likely to have played a key role in triggering the end Triassic mass extinction, which set the scene for the rise and age of the dinosaurs, new research has found. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Volcanic eruptions triggered dawn of the dinosaurs

Huge pulses of volcanic activity are likely to have played a key role in triggering the end Triassic mass extinction, which set the scene for the rise and age of the dinosaurs, new research has found. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Volcanic Eruptions Triggered Dawn of the Dinosaurs

The argon-argon dating method can provide more precise absolute dates for many geologic events, ranging from volcanic eruptions and earthquakes to the extinction of the dinosaurs and many other creatures at the end of the Cretaceous period and the beginning … Continue reading

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How dinosaurs may have evolved into birds

A possible genetic mechanism underlying the evolution of birds has been discovered by scientists. Studies of dinosaur fossils that show bird-like traits, such as feathers, light bones, air sacs and three-digit forelimbs, clarified evolutionary kinship of birds and dinosaurs. However, … Continue reading

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