Tag Archives: dioxide

Quicker option to make mineral to take away carbon dioxide from environment

Scientists have developed an accelerated option to produce magnesite, a mineral which might seize the greenhouse gasoline carbon dioxide from the environment, at room temperature. Eradicating carbon dioxide from the environment would gradual world warming. This work takes a unique … Continue reading

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Giant igneous provinces contribute to ups and downs in atmospheric carbon dioxide

Modelling the situation of enormous igneous provinces for the previous 400 million years exhibits that their eruptions and subsequent weathering modulate international local weather. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Decline in atmospheric carbon dioxide key to ancient climate transition

A decline in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels led to a fundamental shift in the behavior of the Earth’s climate system around one million years ago, according to new research led by the University of Southampton. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Study settles prehistoric puzzle, confirms modern link of carbon dioxide and global warming

Fossil leaves from Africa resolve a prehistoric climate puzzle and confirm the link between carbon dioxide and global warming. Research previously found conflicting data on high carbon levels and its link to climate change about 22 million years ago. But … Continue reading

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Carbon dioxide levels lower than thought during super greenhouse period

Researchers adds to the understanding of Earth’s historic hyperthermal events to help explain the planet’s current warming trend. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Future carbon dioxide, climate warming potentially unprecedented in 420 million years

Over the next 100 to 200 years, carbon dioxide concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere will head towards values not seen since the Triassic period, 200 million years ago. Furthermore, by the 23rd century, the climate could reach a warmth not … Continue reading

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Future carbon dioxide, climate warming potentially unprecedented in 420 million years

Over the next 100 to 200 years, carbon dioxide concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere will head towards values not seen since the Triassic period, 200 million years ago. Furthermore, by the 23rd century, the climate could reach a warmth not … Continue reading

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Scientists Found a Way to Turn Carbon Dioxide Into Minerals

The white areas inside the darkish basalt rock core pattern present the place the CO₂ has reacted with minerals within the basalt and transformed right into a carbonate mineral just like limestone. We’re operating out of time to unravel our … Continue reading

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Historical carbon dioxide emissions brought on by land-use modifications are probably bigger than assumed

Nature Geoscience 10, seventy nine (2017). doi:10.1038/ngeo2882 Authors: A. Arneth, J. Sitch, C. Pongratz, O. A. Stocker, K. Ciais, C. Poulter, A. A. Bayer, A. Bondeau, L. Calle, L. K. Chini, T. Gasser, M. Fader, G. Friedlingstein, W. Kato, W. … Continue reading

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Neutron diffraction probes forms of carbon dioxide in extreme environments

Through a Deep Carbon Observatory collaboration, researchers are using neutrons to study the fundamental role carbon dioxide plays in Earth’s carbon cycle, especially in the composition of carbon reservoirs in the deep Earth and the evolution of the carbon cycle … Continue reading

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