Tag Archives: doors

Restoration work uncovers more carved doors in Florence

(ANSA) – Florence, November 29 – The priceless bronze doors of the Florence Baptistery, dubbed the “Gates of Paradise” by master Michelangelo, have equally ornate mates now being restored. Experts said Friday that similar doors have been discovered in the … Continue reading

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Pope calls for justice system of hope and open doors

(ANSA) – Vatican City, October 23 – Pope Francis on Wednesday told 150 Italian prison chaplains that God is imprisoned with prisoners, and that the prison system must become one of hope and “open doors”. The pope spoke to the … Continue reading

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Pope Francis urges churches to keep their doors open to all

(ANSA) – Vatican City, October 17 – Churches must find ways to expand their opening hours to allow better access – both physical and spiritual, Pope Francis said Thursday. “When we go on the street and find ourselves in front … Continue reading

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