Tag Archives: expelled

Former prosecutor expelled for child porn on computer

IMG class=hide alt=”Former prosecutor expelled for child porn on computer” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-bd8d5bfe08d2c32aeba23bf61f9f3f28.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, January 10 – The Italian judicial self-governing body (CSM) on Friday expelled ex-prosecutor Paolo Remer from the ranks of the judiciary for possessing child pornography on … Continue reading

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Berlusconi expelled from Senate in landmark vote

(By Christopher Livesay) (ANSA) – Rome, November 27 – The Italian Senate on Wednesday voted to eject ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi after the supreme court upheld a tax-fraud conviction against him in August, making it definitive. “This is a bitter day … Continue reading

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