Tag Archives: field

The paradox powering Earth’s magnetic field

Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center Our planet’s protective force field appears to be billions of years older than the mechanism that got it going. So what really made Earth magnetic? IT IS Earth’s silent defender. … Continue reading

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Marine sediments record variations in the Earth’s magnetic field

Timeline of atmospheric production of 10Be. Peaks of overproduction correspond to instability events in the Earth’s magnetic field. Credit: Simon et al. 2016 Past variations in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field are reflected by the production of isotopes … Continue reading

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A Pocket Guide to Geological Field Recording

This is a brief guide explaining how the reader may collect meaningful data at outcrop level and make provisional identifications of common lithologies. It is not intended as a comprehensive field geology textbook and assumes that readers have already studied … Continue reading

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The Geology of South Wales: A Field Guide (Second Edition)

I quite like regional guides books, even about areas I haven’t been to and am unlikely to visit. That isn’t the case for South Wales, which is one of my favourite areas in the UK for both scenery and geology. … Continue reading

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mineraliety: Vanadinite field via @able_ground…

mineraliety: Vanadinite field via @able_ground /////// www.instagram.com/able_ground www.instagram.com/mineraliety mineralia

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bijoux-et-mineraux: Mackerel Pattern Opal – Mulga Opal Field…

bijoux-et-mineraux: Mackerel Pattern Opal – Mulga Opal Field near Lightning Ridge, Australia Geology Nerd

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Earth is losing its Atmosphere –“Weakness Found in Our Magnetic Field”

Earth is losing its Atmosphere –“Weakness Found in Our Magnetic Field” Earth’s atmosphere is leaking. Every day, around 90 tons of material escapes from our planet’s upper atmosphere and streams out into space.  Earth?s atmosphere is leaking into space at … Continue reading

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What did Earth’s ancient magnetic field look like?

This is an illustration of ancient Earth’s magnetic field compared to the modern magnetic field courtesy of Peter Driscoll. New work from Carnegie’s Peter Driscoll suggests Earth’s ancient magnetic field was significantly different than the present day field, originating from … Continue reading

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What did Earth’s ancient magnetic field look like?

Earth’s ancient magnetic field was significantly different than the present day field, originating from several poles rather than the familiar two, new research suggests. Then, shortly after our planet’s core solidified, this work predicts that Earth’s magnetic field transitioned to … Continue reading

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Just what sustains Earth’s magnetic field anyway?

This is an illustration of how the diamond anvil cell is“used to mimic and study planetary core conditions. Earth’s magnetic field shields us from deadly cosmic radiation, and without it, life as we know it could not exist here. The … Continue reading

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