Tag Archives: flock

Dinosaurs of a feather flock and die together?

A new publication on the bird-like dinosaur Avimimus, from the late-Cretaceous suggests they were gregarious, social animals — evidence that flies in the face of the long-held mysticism surrounding dinosaurs as solo creatures. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Lava-loving tourists flock to active Nicaragua volcano

Centuries ago, a native Central American people terrified of a witch believed to live deep in the earth used to sacrifice children and young women to Nicaragua’s Masaya volcano. Today, the crater southwest of the capital Managua is an international … Continue reading

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Design fans flock to 53rd Milan furniture fair

P(ANSA) – Rho-Pero (Milan), April 9 – Hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world are converging on Milan this week for the city’s popular international furniture fair and its satellite events. “This Salone is among the most important … Continue reading

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