Tag Archives: Fourth

Italian scientists announce fourth, changeling neutrino

IMG class=hide alt=”Italian scientists announce fourth, changeling neutrino” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-4d3f0f1fbac3ac6c12dd3b927b0dd03b2.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, March 25 – Scientists on Tuesday announced the discovery of only the fourth recorded transformation of a neutrino from one kind into another. PIf confirmed, the event – … Continue reading

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Palermo has fourth worst traffic jams in Europe

(ANSA) – Rome, November 6 – Palermo is the fourth most chaotic European city traffic-wise, according to the TomTom Traffic Index survey of 169 world metropolises. Moscow, where drivers spend 174 hours a year stuck in traffic jams, tops the … Continue reading

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Fourth sea quake off Calabria in three days

(ANSA) – Catanzaro, November 1 – The sea floor moved in a 3.1 magnitude quake off Calabria Friday but no effects were felt on land, the Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) said. It was the fourth quake there … Continue reading

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