Tag Archives: general

Berlusconi reiterates call for May general election

IMG class=hide alt=”Berlusconi reiterates call for May general election” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-f566fda4f39f14c0a4a536ece258a263.jpg” (see related stories on political situation) (ANSA) – Rome, January 10 – Ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi on Friday reiterated his call for Italy to hold an early general election on May … Continue reading

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Retired general jailed for almost 5 yrs for drug dealing

(ANSA) – Milan, December 13 – The Milan Court of Appeals on Friday sentenced retired General Giampaolo Ganzer to four years and 11 months in prison for running a drug-trafficking operation with other officers from 1991-1997. The ruling reduced the … Continue reading

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Pope embraces sick man after general audience

(ANSA)- Vatican City, November 15 – Making his customary tour among the sick in St Peter’s Square after Wednesday’s general audience, Pope Francis warmly embraced a gravely ill man. Greeting the sick is a tradition among Catholic popes. The embrace … Continue reading

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Pope wears fire-fighter helmet at general audience

(ANSA) – Vatican City, October 16 – Pope Francis wore a black-and-green fire-fighter helmet handed to him by volunteer fire-fighters at Wednesday’s general audience. The Vatican said around 70,000 people were in St Peter’s Square for the audience.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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