Tag Archives: Internet

Internet: 3 billion people connection by 2014

PThe people of the internet: at the end of 2014 in 3 trillion worldwide will be connected to the network, about two thirds of the developing countries. Will also be more than 2 billion people who have broadband access from … Continue reading

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Assange, vero tema

P”Credo nella libert

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Assegnati gli ‘Internet Hall of Fame’

PPremiati tre ‘architetti’ delle reti di ricerca internazionali, Dai Davies, Erik Huizer e Steve Huter, che hanno ricevuto il riconoscimento ‘Internet Hall of Fame’ del 2014 per il contributo dato allo sviluppo e all’espansione di una rete Internet globale e … Continue reading

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Internet: hole safety data network, sites at risk

PThere is a bug that threatens millions of websites around the world, the one of the giants of the web and with them including private information of the users: by mail to the details of bank accounts or credit cards. … Continue reading

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Internet too slow? Complaint is made via the web

PIt is easier to complain to the operator who keeps promises of the speed of your Internet connection. Starting from next April 7 will already be not preferred or required for fax users, but simply a click. The Agcom launches … Continue reading

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Renzi mocked on Internet, social media sites

IMG class=hide alt=”Renzi mocked on Internet, social media sites” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-247ec3e1295cdeb3f86072f81695b246.jpg” (See related) (ANSA) – Rome, February 24 – As Premier Matteo Renzi delivered a major speech Monday to the Senate, urging support for his fledgling government via a confidence vote, … Continue reading

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Over six in 10 of Italians connected to the Internet

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/wpid-7304a191ee8321b710629ad14ca9bbe9.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Over six in 10 of Italians connected to the Internet” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/wpid-7304a191ee8321b710629ad14ca9bbe9.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, December 19 – Italians are increasingly connected to the Internet. In 2013, 60.7% of people said they had an Internet … Continue reading

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Internet increases young people’s risk of suicide

(ANSAmed) – Rome, October 31 – Internet and especially online forums, may increase the risk of suicide in most vulnerable young people, which averages, however, are more often linked and are most often possible web-empleados of his companions. This was … Continue reading

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Cambia il protocollo Internet

(ANSA) – ROMA, 30 OTT – La crescente popolazione di Internet sostenuta dal sempre maggiore numero di persone che si collegano alla rete e dal numero di dispositivi intelligenti interconnessi – telefoni, automobili, sensori – ha superato da tempo il … Continue reading

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Porno su Internet indebolisce memoria

(ANSA) – MILANO, 18 DIC – Guardare immagini pornografiche su internet puo’ danneggiare e indebolire la memoria. E’ quanto ha verificato uno studio tedesco, pubblicato sul ‘Journal of sex research’, che ha analizzato come l’area cerebrale, deputata a immagazzinare informazioni, … Continue reading

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