Tag Archives: Italians

Almost one in three Italians threatened by poverty

IMG class=hide alt=”Almost one in three Italians threatened by poverty” src=”C:\wamp\www\abs\Auto Blog Samurai\data\mineralmuseum\rssmineralmuseumeunews\” (By Sandra Cordon) (ANSA) – Rome, December 16 – Amid the deepest recession since the Second World War, almost 30% of Italians were at risk of falling … Continue reading

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Italians flocking abroad soars 70% in two years

(ANSA) – Milan, December 10 – The number of Italians leaving the country rose 70% in two years, from 40,000 in 2010 to 68,000 in 2012, an Italian foundation for multi-ethnic studies reported on Tuesday. Lombardy has topped Italy’s regions … Continue reading

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Likely 2.9 million Italians voted in Sunday’s PD primaries

(ANSA) – Rome, December 9 – It’s likely that 2.9 million centre-left Italians participated in Sunday’s Democratic Party (PD) primary vote, outgoing party secretary Guglielmo Epifani said Monday. He spoke at a news conference with winning candidate Matteo Renzi, who … Continue reading

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Jobs crisis driving more Italians abroad

(By Sandra Cordon) (ANSA) – Rome, December 6 – The number of Italians who have moved abroad to seek work beyond their recession-bound country jumped by 28.8% last year compared with 2011, according to the annual report of the Censis … Continue reading

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More Italians spend Christmas holidays skiing

(ANSA) – Rome, December 6 – Italians are increasingly spending their Christmas holidays skiing despite the recession, according to data from tour operators released on Friday. About 46.3% of tourism operators in Italian skiing resorts reported an average 18% increase … Continue reading

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More and more Italians marrying foreigners, new study shows

(ANSA) – Venice, December 5 – More and more Italians are marrying non-Italians, the Leone Moressa Foundation for immigration research made known Thursday. Such weddings increased by 15.3% last year, with 20.764 couples or 10% of the total tying the … Continue reading

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More Italians finding work as domestics, says survey

(ANSA) – Rome, December 2 – More Italians and more people with higher education are finding jobs as domestic workers, a conference heard Monday. In an industry that was once dominated by foreigners, almost 10% of domestic workers said they … Continue reading

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Few Italians with 7 ‘ salvacuore ‘ axes

(ANSA) – ROMA, 26 NOV – yet very few Italians in possession of seven ‘ axes ‘, the so-called’ heart-saving the determinants of cardiovascular health, or protective factors, which are primarily the practice of sports, nutrition, cholesterol, blood pressure and … Continue reading

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Most Italians unselfish, undaunted, study finds

(ANSA) – Rome, November 6 – A majority of Italians are spiritual, altruistic, and still willing to fight for a better society, according to the latest research by the Center for Social Investment Studies (Censis). In its report released Wednesday … Continue reading

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Seven mn Italians off on long-weekend trips

(ANSA) – Rome, November 1 – Seven million Italians have gone off on trips over the long weekend created by All Saints’ Day Friday, tourism associations said. The top destinations were seaside and mountain resorts in Italy, they said.Only 8% … Continue reading

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