Tag Archives: kilograms

Last common ancestor of humans and apes weighed about five kilograms

New research suggests that the last common ancestor of apes — including great apes and humans — was much smaller than previously thought, about the size of a gibbon. The findings, published today in the journal Nature Communications, are fundamental … Continue reading

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Last common ancestor of humans and apes weighed about five kilograms

New research suggests that the last common ancestor of apes — including great apes and humans — was much smaller than previously thought, about the size of a gibbon. The findings, published today in the journal Nature Communications, are fundamental … Continue reading

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Italians toss 76 kilograms of food annually, says Coldiretti

(ANSA) – Rome, October 16 – Every Italian throws out an average of 76 kilograms of food each year, illustrating the extent of waste that adds to the world’s problems with hunger, according to statistics released Wednesday on World Food … Continue reading

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