Tag Archives: learn

What can we learn from dinosaur proteins?

Researchers recently confirmed it is possible to extract proteins from 80-million-year-old dinosaur bones. The discovery sparks hopes for new insights about evolution and environmental change and could even offer useful clues for drug discovery or the search for extraterrestrial life. … Continue reading

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What can we learn from dinosaur proteins?

Researchers recently confirmed it is possible to extract proteins from 80-million-year-old dinosaur bones. The discovery sparks hopes for new insights about evolution and environmental change and could even offer useful clues for drug discovery or the search for extraterrestrial life. … Continue reading

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mineraliety: It?s fun to learn to identify minerals by not only…

mineraliety: It?s fun to learn to identify minerals by not only their color, but by their shape due to their #crystal structure. I thought of this while eyeing up the rhombohedral honey colored Calcite in this photo by @able_ground. Had … Continue reading

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Learn English with Italian app

PLearn a foreign language without going through the traditional classroom lessons became easier in the days of the web, and mobile applications. And, along with the global success stories as application globalization, which educates more than 12 and half a … Continue reading

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Soccer: Gervinho ‘didn’t learn much at Arsenal’

IMG class=hide alt=”Soccer: Gervinho ‘didn’t learn much at Arsenal’” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-151588e3f987d5084b1962bc45163a09.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, February 7 – AS Roma and Ivory Coast forward Gervinho has said he learned next to nothing during his two-year stint at Arsenal. PThe 26-year-old failed to … Continue reading

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