Tag Archives: linked

Changes in primate teeth linked to rise of monkeys

Searching for simple inherited dental characteristics that could lead to genes controlling tooth development, researchers have uncovered an easy-to-measure trait that tracks primate evolution over the last 20 million years, shedding light on the mysterious decline of apes and the … Continue reading

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Changes in primate teeth linked to rise of monkeys

University of California, Berkeley paleontologists have identified distinctive features of primate teeth that allow them to track the evolution of our ape and monkey ancestors, shedding light on a mysterious increase in monkey species that occurred during a period of … Continue reading

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New type of meteorite linked to ancient asteroid collision

An ancient space rock discovered in a Swedish quarry is a type of meteorite never before found on Earth, scientists reported June 14 in the journal Nature Communications. read more (e) Science News – Paleontology & Archaeology

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Activity on seafloor linked to icy ebb and flow on surface

A UConn marine scientist has found that hydrothermal activity occurring along mid-ocean ridges like the one in this graphic may help explain why ice ages come and go. Credit: adapted from physicalgeography. net The last million years of Earth’s history … Continue reading

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Early humans linked to ancient Australian extinction

New data implicates early humans in the extinction of large mammals, birds and lizards in Australia. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Large igneous provinces linked to extinction events

Mass extinction events are sometimes portrayed in illustrations of volcanic eruptions causing widespread destruction. According to experts this interpretation may have some truth behind it, but not in the instantaneous way we might think. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Large igneous provinces linked to extinction events

Middle-Late Permian large igneous provinces Mass extinction events are sometimes portrayed in illustrations of volcanic eruptions causing widespread destruction. According to experts this interpretation may have some truth behind it, but not in the instantaneous way we might think.Mass extinction … Continue reading

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‘Anti-Semitic cult’ linked to jewel heists

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-a0b52a78ce8acd15713c09708f06c9b4.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”‘Anti-Semitic cult’ linked to jewel heists” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-a0b52a78ce8acd15713c09708f06c9b4.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, January 14 – Police in Turin have arrested a Ukrainian couple suspected of robbing a jewelry store to fund an anti-semitic cult in Eastern … Continue reading

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Vitamin D linked to the elders of longevity

Seniors (ANSA) – WASHINGTON, 19 JUN–taking supplements of calcium and vitamin d pills would be live longer than their peers: e ‘ quanto emerge from a study that reviewed the analysis of more than 70,000 people. The survey from the … Continue reading

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