Tag Archives: March

Lawyers march in Rome to protest reforms

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-8a898874418df5a019f5d3aab3a810c9.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Lawyers march in Rome to protest reforms” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-8a898874418df5a019f5d3aab3a810c9.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, February 2014 – Some 10,000 lawyers have gathered in Rome Thursday to demonstrate in what is the third day of a planned demonstration … Continue reading

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1,000 march in anti-Mafia solidarity with Di Matteo

(ANSA) – Palermo, November 18 – One thousand activists from various anti-Mafia organizations gathered Monday to march through the Sicilian city of Palermo in solidarity with deputy prosecutor Nino Di Matteo after he received death threats from former Cosa Nostra … Continue reading

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Curiosity, the March towards East

(ANSA) – Rome, 30 AUG – the Nasa rover curiosity began its surface of March eastward toward the area in which for the first time perforera the Martian with your drill. After the driving test, curiosity has traveled 16 yards, … Continue reading

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By 4WINDS in Oman, guarantied on 3 March.

Publisher: TRAVEL FACTORY Srl in liquidationSede legale: Via Giovanni Nicotera, 29-00195 RomeVAT nr. 01424301008Fiscal code: 05629380584Aut. Trib. Roma n. 330 of 7/19/2000Director: IVANO CAMPONESCHImaster.viaggi@yahoo.itAll news and information published by Master Travels online, freely accessible from internet browsers, are to be … Continue reading

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By 4WINDS in Oman, guaranteed on 3 March.

Publisher: TRAVEL FACTORY Srl in liquidationSede legale: Via Giovanni Nicotera, 29-00195 RomeVAT nr. 01424301008Tax code: 05629380584AUT. Conc. Roma n. 330 of 19/07/2000Director: IVANO CAMPONESCHIMaster.Viaggi@Yahoo.itAll the news and information published by the master of travel online, freely accessible from internet browsers, … Continue reading

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