Tag Archives: meddling

Justice min denies meddling in high-profile fraud case

(ANSA) – Rome, November 5 – Italian Justice Minister Anna Maria Cancellieri spoke before the Senate Tuesday and denied interfering in a high-profile fraud case involving family ties. “I never solicited the appropriate authorities to release Giulia Ligresti from prison … Continue reading

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Call for justice minister to quit over fraud-case ‘meddling’

(ANSA) – Rome, November 1 – The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) said Friday that it was presenting a no-confidence motion in parliament against Justice Minister Anna Maria Cancellieri for allegedly interfering in a fraud case. The case regards Giulia Ligresti, … Continue reading

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Public TV director says politicians meddling with network

(ANSA) – Rome, October 23 – The chief of Italian public broadcaster RAI on Wednesday told a parliamentary oversight committee that political interference is messing with his network. Managing Director Luigi Gubitosi charged RAI lost popular TV presenter, comedian and … Continue reading

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