Tag Archives: moved

Robot helps study how first land animals moved 360 million years ago

When early terrestrial animals began moving about on mud and sand 360 million years ago, the powerful tails they used as fish may have been more important than scientists previously realized. That’s one conclusion from a new study of African … Continue reading

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Evolution may have moved at a furious pace on a much warmer Earth

Early life forms on Earth are likely to have mutated and evolved at much higher rates than they do today, suggests a new analysis from researchers at the University of North Carolina. read more (e) Science News – Paleontology & … Continue reading

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Bersani’s condition improves, moved from intensive care

IMG class=hide alt=”Bersani’s condition improves, moved from intensive care” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-e81f66a2378960d0c1578220a265ce62.jpg” (ANSA) – Parma, January 13 – The medical condition of former centre-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani has improved enough that he has been upgraded from intensive care and into semi-intensive … Continue reading

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War criminal Priebke’s body ‘moved’ to secret location

(ANSA) – Rome, November 1 – The body of Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke has been moved from a military airport near Rome to a secret location, Italian daily Il Messaggero reported Friday. The former SS officer’s body was taken … Continue reading

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