Tag Archives: movement

‘Ring round bathtub’ at large volcano subject exhibits motion of subterranean magma

A brand new examine is tracing the geologic modifications within the Maule volcanoes, positioned in a area in Chile that has seen huge eruptions over the past million years. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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5-Star Movement occupies Senate in labour-law protest

P(See related) (ANSA) – Rome, May 7 – Members of the opposition 5-Star Movement (M5S) occupied the Senate floor Wednesday in protest of a confidence vote on a controversial labour law moving through parliament.BRM5S Senators wearing T-shirts reading “Never Slaves” … Continue reading

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No TAV movement disassociates itself from militant threat

IMG class=hide alt=”No TAV movement disassociates itself from militant threat” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-0f2a699713c3b976bca9a394058ff663.jpg” (see previous). P(ANSA) – Turin, February 19 – A movement trying to stop a high-speed rail link between Italy and France on Wednesday disassociated itself from a militant group’s … Continue reading

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‘Pitchfork Movement like Golden Dawn’ says regional official

(see related) (ANSA) – Turin, December 13 – A regional councilor and former governor of Piedmont on Friday said the anti-government Pitchfork Movement “resembles Golden Dawn,” the far-right nationalist party in Greece. “It worries me a lot,” said Mercedes Bresso, … Continue reading

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Pitchfork movement is peaceful, says leader

(see related) (ANSA) – Palermo, December 11 – Pitchfork (Forconi) protest leader Mariano Ferro on Wednesday strongly denied his movement stands for violence or criminal behavior of any kind, but rather is being exploited by assorted rabble rousers and extreme … Continue reading

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Prevent thrombosis, healthy food and movement

(ANSAmed) – Milan, 17 APR – don’t need punishments or prohibitions, but a diet low in fat and a little bit of movement, to prevent diseases caused by thrombosis, such as stroke and heart attack. It is the message that … Continue reading

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