Tag Archives: network

We want one world community of 1000 stations to construct an Earth observatory

Scientists name for a steady, complete monitoring of interactions between the planet’s floor and environment. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Metal availability and the expanding network of microbial metabolisms in the Archaean eon

Nature Geoscience 10, 629 (2017). doi:10.1038/ngeo3006 Authors: Eli K. Moore, Benjamin I. Jelen, Donato Giovannelli, Hagai Raanan & Paul G. Falkowski Nature Geoscience – Issue – nature.com science feeds

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FB network for mobile advertising

PA platform for “” mobile advertising, advertising on mobile devices, Facebook registration. This is the next new networks in blue according to rumors reported by blogs Recode. Ad hoc for the mobile advertising network is expected to be presented in … Continue reading

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Internet: hole safety data network, sites at risk

PThere is a bug that threatens millions of websites around the world, the one of the giants of the web and with them including private information of the users: by mail to the details of bank accounts or credit cards. … Continue reading

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Mobile, Lte network grows in the world

P(ANSA) – ROMA, 21 MAR – grows in the global spread of Lte, cellular communication standard of the fourth generation (4 g), broadband connection mobile. According to the latest survey from the Association of the industry, the Global Association of … Continue reading

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Public TV director says politicians meddling with network

(ANSA) – Rome, October 23 – The chief of Italian public broadcaster RAI on Wednesday told a parliamentary oversight committee that political interference is messing with his network. Managing Director Luigi Gubitosi charged RAI lost popular TV presenter, comedian and … Continue reading

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Social network come poemi epici

(ANSA) – LONDRA, 25 LUG – I meccanismi di relazione in gioco nei social network sono piu’ simili a quelli descritti nei poemi epici che a quelli dei romanzi moderni. Lo dice uno studio di Padraig Mac Carron e Ralph … Continue reading

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Social network come poemi epici

(ANSA) – LONDRA, 25 LUG – I meccanismi di relazione in gioco nei social network sono piu’ simili a quelli descritti nei poemi epici che a quelli dei romanzi moderni. Lo dice uno studio di Padraig Mac Carron e Ralph … Continue reading

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