Tag Archives: origin
Scientists reveal origin of Earth’s oldest crystals
Scanning electron microscope picture of a zircon crystal from the Sudbury crater. New research suggests that the very oldest pieces of rock on Earth — zircon crystals — are likely to have formed in the craters left by violent asteroid … Continue reading
Trinity scientists reveal origin of Earth’s oldest crystals
The tiny crystals probably formed in huge impact craters not long after Earth formed, some 4 billion years ago read more (e) Science News – Paleontology & Archaeology
Leg-wing cooperation in baby birds, dinosaurs is key transition in origin of flight
New research based on high-resolution x-ray movies reveals that despite having extremely underdeveloped muscles and wings, young birds acquire a mature flight stroke early in their development, initially relying heavily on their legs and wings to work in tandem to … Continue reading
Leg-wing cooperation in baby birds, dinosaurs is key transition in origin of flight
New research based on high-resolution x-ray movies reveals that despite having extremely underdeveloped muscles and wings, young birds acquire a mature flight stroke early in their development, initially relying heavily on their legs and wings to work in tandem to … Continue reading
It revealed the origin of the fairy circles
(ANSA) – Hamburg, 16 APR – revealed the origin of the Fairies ‘circles’, in the desert of Namibia (Africa): to draw the enigmatic rings of grass are termites, evidenced by Norbert Juergens, Hamburg University, in a study in Science.It is … Continue reading