Tag Archives: planet

For people and planet

Nature Geoscience 10, 463 (2017). doi:10.1038/ngeo2987 The emerging field of geohealth links human well-being and ecosystem health. A deeper understanding of these linkages can help society mitigate the health costs of economic growth before they become crises. Nature Geoscience – … Continue reading

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Geomorphological evidence for ground ice on dwarf planet Ceres

Nature Geoscience 10, 338 (2017). doi:10.1038/ngeo2936 Authors: Britney E. Schmidt, Kynan H. G. Hughson, Heather T. Chilton, Jennifer E. C. Scully, Thomas Platz, Andreas Nathues, Hanna Sizemore, Michael T. Bland, Shane Byrne, Simone Marchi, David P. O’Brien, Norbert Schorghofer, Harald Hiesinger, … Continue reading

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hematitehearts: Chalcanthite Locality: Planet Mine, La Paz…

hematitehearts: Chalcanthite Locality: Planet Mine, La Paz County, Arizona, United States of America Geology Nerd

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mineraliety: Available on Mineraliety in the Delightful Planet…

mineraliety: Available on Mineraliety in the Delightful Planet shop is this etched Brazilian Quartz with Hematite /////// mineraliety.com/shops/delightfulplanet/listings/etched-brazilian-quartz-point-with-hematite mineralia

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During last warming period, Antarctica heated up two to three times more than planet average

A new study of warming after the last ice age 20,000 years ago confirms climate models that predict an amplification of warming at the poles. By 15,000 years ago, the Antarctic had warmed about 11 degrees Celsius, almost 3 times … Continue reading

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Targeting mysteries of deep Earth: Water deeper in planet than scientists previously believed

A mineral far below Earth’s surface may hold the key to how much water is stored in the planet, a researcher says. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Climate change may prevent volcanoes from cooling the planet

New research shows that climate change may impede the cooling effect of volcanic eruptions. Previous research has shown that as the planet warms, the lower layers of the atmosphere will expand, making it much harder for the gasses to reach … Continue reading

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Why does our planet experience an ice age every 100,000 years?

Experts have offered up an explanation as to why our planet began to move in and out of ice ages every 100,000 years. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Does a planet need plate tectonics to develop life?

Does a planet need plate tectonics to develop life? Plate tectonics may be a phase in the evolution of planets that has implications for the habitability of exoplanets, according to new research published this month in the journal Physics of … Continue reading

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mineraliety: Available on Mineraliety in the Delightful Planet…

mineraliety: Available on Mineraliety in the Delightful Planet shop is this Indicolite (Blue Tourmaline) Quartz Point ///// www.mineraliety.com/shops/delightfulplanet mineralia

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