Tag Archives: predators

‘Bandit-masked’ feathered dinosaur hid from predators using multiple types of camouflage

Researchers have revealed how a small feathered dinosaur used its color patterning, including a bandit mask-like stripe across its eyes, to avoid being detected by its predators and prey. Strange & Offbeat: Fossils & Ruins News — ScienceDaily

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Fossil whales’ teeth shows what ferocious predators they were

The feeding habits of the whale — the world’s biggest animal — have evolved to filter feeding, shows new international research. Ancient whales appear to have been ferocious predators, investigators explain. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Fossil whales’ teeth shows what ferocious predators they were

The feeding habits of the whale — the world’s biggest animal — have evolved to filter feeding, shows new international research. Ancient whales appear to have been ferocious predators, investigators explain. Strange & Offbeat: Fossils & Ruins News — ScienceDaily

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