Tag Archives: Protesters

Berlusconi postpones meeting with Pitchfork protesters

(see related) (ANSA) – Rome, December 11 – Forza Italia (FI) party leader Silvio Berlusconi on Wednesday postponed his meeting with a ‘Forconi’ (Pitchfork) Movement delegation. “But I call on the government to respond right away. What are they waiting … Continue reading

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Rome police charge protesters amid Hollande, Letta meeting

(ANSA) – Rome, November 20 – Police charged a group of protesters throwing bottles near the French embassy in Rome Wednesday as Italian Premier Enrico Letta met with French President Francois Hollande on the other side of the city. The … Continue reading

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Protesters camp out at Infrastructure ministry

(ANSA) – Rome, October 21 – Dozens of activists demanding better social housing continued to camp out Monday in front of the Italian government’s Infrastructure ministry, extending a string of protests that began on the weekend. Their make-shift camp was … Continue reading

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Protesters clash at funeral of Nazi criminal Priebke

(by Stefania Fumo). (ANSA) – Rome, October 15 – A far-right extremist gave a Fascist salute Tuesday as protesters shouted ”murderer” and demonstrated against the funeral of a Nazi war criminal near Rome.Supporters of former SS officer Erich Priebke gathered … Continue reading

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