Tag Archives: quickly

Dinosaurs became extinct because they could not hatch quickly enough

A hatchling Protoceratops andrewsi fossil from the Gobi Desert Ukhaa Tolgod, Mongolia CREDIT: AMERCIAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY M. ELLISON A surprising factor in the extinction of the dinosaurs may have been how long their eggs took to hatch The … Continue reading

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Marine life quickly recovered after global mass extinction

The five major extinctions. Many scientists believe we may be heading towards a sixth, man-drive mass extinction. Image via University of New England. Reptiles rapidly invaded the seas soon after a global extinction wiped out most life on Earth, according … Continue reading

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Radioactive matter migrates more quickly through fractured carbonate rock

Natural radioactivity from uranium-bearing rock, N Saskatchewan. ( Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have found that radioactive matter migrates more quickly in carbonate bedrock formations once it has leaked from a tank from near surface waste sites … Continue reading

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Web more quickly for who pays, is fighting in the United States

PPrivileged access and connection paths to the internet ‘ super fast ‘ who are willing to pay more: American Federal Agency of Communications Announces revolutionary changes, offering for the first time question the absolute principle of network neutrality and unleash … Continue reading

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