Tag Archives: remembers
sciencesoup: Extraterrestrial volcanoes Everyone remembers…
sciencesoup: Extraterrestrial volcanoes Everyone remembers making their first bicarb-and-vinegar volcano back in school, because there’s a special kind of happiness that comes from watching froth pour down the sides of your badly-painted volcano and slosh onto your classroom floor. For … Continue reading
Italy remembers Concordia shipwreck two years on
IMG class=hide alt=”Italy remembers Concordia shipwreck two years on” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wpid-d1cff40c88e5a9c6b1700990aea4b5192.jpg” (By Christopher Livesay) (ANSA) – Grosseto, January 13 – A laurel wreath was lowered in the water Monday at the site of the Costa Concordia, two years after the mammoth … Continue reading