Tag Archives: reveals
Bite force research reveals dinosaur-eating frog
Scientists say that a large, now extinct, frog called Beelzebufo that lived about 68 million years ago in Madagascar would have been capable of eating small dinosaurs. The conclusion comes from a study of the bite force of South American … Continue reading
Celebrity fossil reveals all for science
With the help of an artist, a geology professor has figuratively speaking breathed life into one of science’s most well-known fossil species; Agnostus pisiformis. The trilobite-like arthropod lived in huge numbers in Scandinavia a half-billion years ago. Today, this extinct … Continue reading
Human bones in south Mexico: Stalagmite reveals their age as 13,000 years old
A prehistoric human skeleton found on the Yucatán Peninsula is at least 13,000 years old and most likely dates from a glacial period at the end of the most recent ice age, the late Pleistocene. A German-Mexican team of researchers … Continue reading
Comparing the jaws of porcupine fish reveals three new species
Researchers compared fossil porcupine fish jaws and tooth plates collected on expeditions to Panama, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil with those from museum specimens and modern porcupine fish, revealing three new species. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily
World’s ‘first named dinosaur’ reveals new teeth with scanning tech
Pioneering technology has shed fresh light on the world’s first scientifically-described dinosaur fossil — over 200 years after it was first discovered — thanks to research. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily
Rare tooth find reveals horned dinosaurs in eastern North America
A chance discovery in Mississippi provides the first evidence of an animal closely related to Triceratops in eastern North America. The fossil, a tooth from rocks between 68 and 66 million years old, shows that two halves of the continent … Continue reading
3.3-million-year-old fossil reveals origins of the human spine
Analysis of a 3.3 million-year-old fossil skeleton reveals the most complete spinal column of any early human relative, including vertebrae, neck and rib cage. The findings indicate that portions of the human spinal structure that enable efficient walking motions were … Continue reading
Massive, computer-analyzed geological database reveals chemistry of ancient ocean
A study that used a new digital library and machine reading system to suck the factual marrow from millions of geologic publications dating back decades has unraveled a longstanding mystery of ancient life: Why did easy-to-see and once-common structures called … Continue reading
Study of non-rainfall water in Namib Desert reveals unexpected origins
In a study conducted in one of the world’s oldest and most biologically diverse deserts, scientists explore the origins of water other than rainfall and are identifying multiple origins. The study is the first to report that the ocean is … Continue reading
Upper part of Earth’s magnetic field reveals details of a dramatic past
Satellites have been mapping the upper part of the Earth magnetic field by collecting data for three years and found some amazing features about the Earth’s crust. The result is the release of highest resolution map of this field seen … Continue reading