Tag Archives: right

Zircon as Earth’s Timekeeper: Are We Reading the Clock Right?

Cathodoluminescence image from a scanning electron microscope of a typical igneous zircon crystal from samples studied by the QUT research team, revealing growth rings of the zircon. Yellow circles enclose ablation sites by a laser from which isotopic data is … Continue reading

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Proving Einstein right using the most sensitive Earth rotation sensors ever made

Einstein’s theory of gravity predicts that a rotating body, such as Earth, partially drags inertial frames along with its rotation. Scientists suggest a novel approach to measuring what is referred to as frame dragging. They propose using the most sensitive … Continue reading

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Conditions Right for Complex Life Come and Go?

This is a 1.9-billion-year-old stromatolite — or mound made by microbes that lived in shallow water — called the Gunflint Formation in northern Minnesota. The environment of the oxygen “overshoot” described in research by Michael Kipp, Eva Stüeken and Roger … Continue reading

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Conditions right for complex life may have come and gone in Earth’s distant past

Conditions suitable to support complex life may have developed in Earth’s oceans — and then faded — more than a billion years before life truly took hold, a new study has found. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Conditions right for complex life may have come and gone in Earth’s distant past

Conditions suitable to support complex life may have developed in Earth’s oceans — and then faded — more than a billion years before life truly took hold, a new study has found. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Color vision helps birds find good food and the right partner

The researchers have established that chickens – just like people – have colour constancy. For birds, this means that they, in different environments and under different lighting conditions, recognise the colour of, for instance, berries and can thereby distinguish those … Continue reading

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Left, right politicians working to make prostitution legal

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-1d3c7dd4a27de75a65ebc262f65dbf4e.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Left, right politicians working to make prostitution legal” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-1d3c7dd4a27de75a65ebc262f65dbf4e.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, March 4 – Senator Maria Spilabotte of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) on Tuesday presented a draft law – also endorsed by … Continue reading

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Ejecting Berlusconi ‘the right thing to do’ says PD chief

(ANSA) – Rome, November 27 – Democratic Party (PD) chief Guglielmo Epifani on Wednesday said the Senate vote to eject convicted ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi was the right thing to do. “The Senate did its duty and applied the law. Anything … Continue reading

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Tighter spread shows Italy on right path says Letta

(ANSA) – Rome, October 17 – The narrowing spread with Germany’s top-rated bonds and Italian paper shows Italy is on the right fiscal path, Premier Enrico Letta said Thursday. He said markets had welcomed his 2014 budget, launched Tuesday night. … Continue reading

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Italy ‘on right track with reforms’ Obama tells Letta

(ANSA) – Washington, October 17 – Italy is “on the right track” with political and economic reforms, US President Barack Obama told visiting Italian Premier Enrico Letta Thursday. Letta had talks with Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry at … Continue reading

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