Tag Archives: sexual
First demonstration of sexual selection in dinosaurs identified
Large ornamental structures in dinosaurs, such as horns and head crests are likely to have been used in sexual displays and to assert social dominance, according to a new analysis of Protoceratops. This is the first time scientists have linked … Continue reading
First demonstration of sexual selection in dinosaurs identified
Large ornamental structures in dinosaurs, such as horns and head crests are likely to have been used in sexual displays and to assert social dominance, according to a new analysis of Protoceratops. This is the first time scientists have linked … Continue reading
Italian army instructor indicted on sexual assault charges
IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-ed3bd4425862dc41c827bdb1782fae0e.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Italian army instructor indicted on sexual assault charges” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-ed3bd4425862dc41c827bdb1782fae0e.jpg” (ANSA) – Ascoli Piceno, February 25 – Prosecutors in the central Italian town of Ascoli Piceno on Tuesday requested the indictment of an army officer … Continue reading