Tag Archives: shows

Aftermath of supereruption shows Toba magma system’s great size

The rare but spectacular eruptions of supervolcanoes can cause massive destruction and affect climate patterns on a global scale for decades — and a new study has found that these sites also may experience ongoing, albeit smaller eruptions for tens … Continue reading

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Massive Volcano Shows Life Near Naples, Italy

Campi Flegrei volcano is rumbling below Napels Italy Campi Flegrei: One of World’s Most Dangerous Supervolcanoes Could Erupt Sooner Than Expected Almost 500 years ago, Italy’s Campi Flegrei supervolcano erupted, spewing molten rock and thick plumes of smoke into the … Continue reading

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Falkland Islands basin shows signs of being among world’s largest craters

A basin in the Falkland Islands exhibits traits of a large impact crater, according to a new analysis by a team of scientists. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Ancient Earth’s fingerprints in young volcanic rocks, study shows

Earth’s mantle is made of solid rock that nonetheless circulates slowly over millions of years. Some geologists assume that this slow circulation would have wiped away any geochemical traces of Earth’s early history long ago. But a new study of … Continue reading

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Dental plaque DNA shows Neanderthals used ‘aspirin’

Ancient DNA found in the dental plaque of Neandertals — our nearest extinct relative — has provided remarkable new insights into their behavior, diet and evolutionary history, including their use of plant-based medicine to treat pain and illness. Strange & … Continue reading

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Biochemical ‘fossil’ shows how life may have emerged without phosphate

One major mystery about life’s origin is how phosphate became an essential building block of genetic and metabolic machinery in cells, given its poor accessibility on early Earth. Researchers have used systems biology approaches to tackle this long-standing conundrum, providing … Continue reading

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History shows current climate change is normal

Those who I refer to as ‘the new deniers’ keep trying to repair the infamous climate “hockey stick”. This is a term coined for a chart of temperature variation over the last 1,000 years, which suggests a recent sharp rise … Continue reading

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Oxygen levels were key to early animal evolution, strongest evidence now shows

It has long puzzled scientists why, after 3 billion years of nothing more complex than algae, complex animals suddenly started to appear on Earth. Now, a team of researchers has put forward some of the strongest evidence yet to support … Continue reading

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Bizarre new species of extinct reptile shows dinosaurs copied body, skull shapes of distant relatives

Iconic dinosaur shapes were present for at least a hundred million years on our planet in animals before those dinosaurs themselves actually appeared. Strange & Offbeat: Fossils & Ruins News — ScienceDaily

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Early fossil fish from China shows where our jaws came from

Where did our jaws come from? The question is more complicated than it seems, because not all jaws are the same. In a new article, palaeontologists from China and Sweden trace our jaws back to the extinct placoderms, armoured prehistoric … Continue reading

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