Tag Archives: State

Earth liable to heading in direction of ‘hothouse Earth’ state

A global workforce of scientists is exhibiting that even when the carbon emission reductions known as for within the Paris Settlement are met, there’s a threat of Earth getting into what the scientists name ‘hothouse Earth’ circumstances. Geology News — … Continue reading

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Large earthquakes along Olympic Mountain faults, Washington State, USA

A comprehensive study of faults along the north side of the Olympic Mountains of Washington State emphasizes the substantial seismic hazard to the northern Puget Lowland region. The study examined the Lake Creek-Boundary Creek and Sadie Creek faults along the … Continue reading

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NASA Sees Washington State ‘Under Fire’

Photo: NASA image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team NOAA/NASA’s Suomi NPP satellite’s Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument captured this image of several major fires in Washington state on August 29, 2017. The three highlighted fires are … Continue reading

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Abrupt North Atlantic circulation changes in response to gradual CO2 forcing in a glacial climate state

Nature Geoscience 10, 518 (2017). doi:10.1038/ngeo2974 Authors: Xu Zhang, Gregor Knorr, Gerrit Lohmann & Stephen Barker Nature Geoscience – Issue – nature.com science feeds

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Glass Could Be a Mysterious New State of Matter

The mysterious new phase of matter that could show how glass behaves  New research solves a long-standing mystery about glass—and a mysterious new state of matter. Zoom in on a crystal and you will find an ordered array of atoms, … Continue reading

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Scientists have discovered a new state of matter, called ‘Jahn-Teller metals’

A magnet levitating above a super-chilled superconductor.sach1tb on Flickr And it could be the key to understanding one of the biggest mysteries in physics today – high-temperature superconductors. An international team of scientists has announced the discovery of a new … Continue reading

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Magnitude-4.8 Earthquake Widely Felt Across Washington State

A magnitude-4.8 earthquake in Canada jolted residents across northwest Washington state, but no major damage or injuries were reported, authorities said Wednesday. The quake struck around 11:40 p.m. Tuesday 11 miles northeast of Victoria, Canada, and was 31 miles deep, … Continue reading

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Capacity to regenerate body parts may be the primitive state for all four-legged vertebrates

A team of paleontologists shows in a new study of fossil amphibians that the extraordinary regenerative capacities of modern salamanders are likely an ancient feature of four-legged vertebrates that was subsequently lost in the course of evolution. Paleontology News — … Continue reading

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‘State must not give in to Mafia,’ says Di Matteo

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 7 – In an interview on the blog of anti-establishment 5-Star Movement leader Beppe Grillo titled ‘No Country for Honest Men’, anti-Mafia prosecutor Nino Di Matteo said Monday the State must not give in to pressure … Continue reading

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State tourism board Enit launches campaign to promote Italy

IMG class=hide alt=”State tourism board Enit launches campaign to promote Italy” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-d33602c45ff5393a2d18bf2b1d2da484.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, March 14 – Italy is promoting the touristic and cultural treasures of the euro-zone’s third largest economy with a new promotional campaign targeting foreign visitors … Continue reading

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