Tag Archives: States

The Meteorite Largest Ever Found in the United States

The Willamette Meteorite on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The Willamette Meteorite weighs 15.5 tons. This iron meteorite, which was found in Oregon. It is the largest meteorite found in North America The … Continue reading

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Scientists uncover large M.H million sq. kilometers reservoir of melting carbon underneath Western United States

New analysis describes how scientists have used the world’s largest array of seismic sensors to map a deep-Earth space of melting carbon overlaying M.H million sq. kilometers. Situated underneath the Western US, 350km beneath Earth’s floor, the found melting area … Continue reading

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The Deadliest Volcano in the United States Just Got Really Weird

The crater of Mount St. Helens Researchers have found something strange going on inside Washington’s Mount St. Helens. Despite being responsible for the deadliest eruption in US history, and the most active volcano in North America’s Cascade Arc, the volcano … Continue reading

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It’s my dream to visit some geological sites in the States. I was thinking of doing a Masters degree there

Well, we?ve got some pretty fun stuff, lots of every type of rock, some great reef structures, a huge basin and range province, glacial deposits and erosional sites, several orogenies worth of fun metamorphism, a well exposed and ginormous transform … Continue reading

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Secret, anonymous social not only of United States

P(ANSA) – ROMA, 28 APR – disembark soon abroad ‘Secret’, application for devices iOS (Apple), which consists of a kind of social network to share anonymous, which would put the eyes of Facebook. After the United States, according to an … Continue reading

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Web more quickly for who pays, is fighting in the United States

PPrivileged access and connection paths to the internet ‘ super fast ‘ who are willing to pay more: American Federal Agency of Communications Announces revolutionary changes, offering for the first time question the absolute principle of network neutrality and unleash … Continue reading

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United States, 2015 Smartphone with ‘alarm’

PSmartphones in the United States with a kind of “comprehensive security” will be distributed from July 2015: is the commitment that took the giants like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, by signing an STRONGagreement/STRONG with five main mobile telephony operators in … Continue reading

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Alliance United States – European Union for research on the brain

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-e10e7d84b59fc5c66e606ac1409a95ae.jpg” IMG class=”hide” alt=”Alleanza Usa-Ue per ricerche su cervello” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-e10e7d84b59fc5c66e606ac1409a95ae.jpg”(ANSA) – ROMA, 20 MAR – the two major projects in the world in the brain, the ‘brain’ American by $ 1 trillion just released by President Barack … Continue reading

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United States, stop of twins with IVF

(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, DEC 04 – with a two-piece top rate of 76% compared with 30 in the United States, assisted reproduction specialists point out new guidelines that help women conceive a child at a time. According to the Centers … Continue reading

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Early in the ‘Bionic eye’ at United States hospitals

(ANSAmed) – Rome, NOV 22 at the end of the year in United States hospitals will be available the first ‘Bionic eye’ coming out officially to be tested. This was confirmed at the site of singularity Hub Vice President of … Continue reading

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