Tag Archives: stemcell

Peddler of discredited stem-cell treatment up for fraud

IMG class=hide alt=”Peddler of discredited stem-cell treatment up for fraud” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-c7fb1e2948ff23d9cb4e07cb848714f7.jpg” (By Denis Greenan). P(ANSA) – Turin, February 7 – The peddler of a discredited stem-cell treatment that has raised false hopes in hundreds of parents of terminally ill children … Continue reading

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Judges OK controversial stem-cell therapy for 18-month-old

(ANSA) – L’Aquila, December 11 – Judges in central Italy ruled Wednesday in favor of granting controversial stem cell treatments to an 18-month-old girl named Noemi Sciaretta afflicted with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Late last month, the same court rejected … Continue reading

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Court gives hope to controversial stem-cell therapy

(By Sandra Cordon) (ANSA) – Rome, December 4 – Italy’s health ministry, under pressure from advocates and the courts, said Wednesday that it will appoint a new panel of experts to assess its protocols governing the use of controversial stem … Continue reading

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