Tag Archives: stirs

Mid-Mesozoic beetle in amber stirs questions on rise of flowering plants and pollinators

The discovery of a beetle and pollen in 105-million-year-old Spanish amber is proof of a new insect pollination mode that dates to the mid-Mesozoic, before the rise of flowering plants. The study places this discovery in the context of a … Continue reading

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mineraliety: This collection by @structure_minerals stirs up…

mineraliety: This collection by @structure_minerals stirs up some serious excitement in me //////// www.instagram.com/structure_minerals www.mineraliety.com mineralia

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‘Jesus born of unmarried couple’ message stirs debate

IMG class=hide alt=”‘Jesus born of unmarried couple’ message stirs debate” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/wpid-e56fd84d9632074164a6d58dbcb8e261.jpg” (ANSA) – Messina, December 23 – The message “Jesus was born of an unmarried couple” triggered controversy Monday when it was found scrawled on a Nativity scene in the … Continue reading

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