Tag Archives: stolen

Artemis fresco stolen from Pompeii

IMG class=hide alt=”Artemis fresco stolen from Pompeii” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-e604817ec793178bbd4ab805720a86ab.jpg” (ANSA) – Naples, March 18 – A portion of a fresco of Apollo and Artemis has been stolen from the world-famous archeological site of Pompeii, Italian dailies reported Tuesday. Citing an employee … Continue reading

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Sweep Roma camps for stolen kids says Northern League

(ANSA) – Rome, October 22 – The anti-immigrant Northern League on Tuesday called for immediate sweeps of Italy’s Roma camps to see if there were any stolen children like a young blonde ‘mystery girl’ whose self-styled parents were charged with … Continue reading

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