Tag Archives: towns
Geohazard: Giant sinkholes near West Texas oil patch towns are growing?as new ones lurk
Measurements from satellite radar images of two giant West Texas sinkholes (dark black areas) shows the ground around them is sinking, including indications a potential new sinkhole is developing. The rates of east-west deformation of the ground (cm/year) are indicated … Continue reading
Ecuador: Volcanic ash falls on dozens of towns
Dozens of towns dusted with ash from Ecuador’s Tungurahua volcano Volcano monitors say about a dozen farming villages have been dusted with ash due to bursts from Ecuador’s Tungurahua volcano. The Geophysics Institute says clouds of gas and ash have … Continue reading
Probe reveals 30 million euros skimmed from Calabrian towns
(ANSA) – Rome, December 13 – Italian finance police on Friday said they had discovered a 30-million-euro fraud scheme in the southern Italian region of Calabria that diverted paid local taxes to e-shopping expeditions and false consulting invoices. Investigators said … Continue reading